Thursday, December 15, 2011

Iron Maiden

I stand before my judges
Watching the shadows
Playing at their feet

I am expendable now
An obligation of time
Residing in this court

How did I loose my footing
Falling so far from grace
Used and completed

I let go of the strings as asked
And weeped behind
Closed doors

My gifts were misfiled
And misconstrued
Our lenses have different views

I wear the Iron Maiden
Residing in this molded form
Clawing at its false representation

I felt its piercing pain
As it slammed shut
I bled as I became new

Monday, January 17, 2011

Waiting for the Moon

Put the empty days that rattle in their shells
In a place that is deep as any well
When the heart looks for the task
Ask the question, how long will this last

Fill it with tinkering and what-knots for display
Longing for the grassy field where I use to play
Castle clouds would fill the afternoon
Dreaming of tomorrow, waiting for the moon

Gazing at the variation of this moment of mine
Looking for the memory that stirs the grasses of time
Alone I laid in the field of sweet disguise
Wanting not the discovery of another's eyes

Choice has led me to the warmth of this room
Night has fallen and I still wait for the moon
Where is the heartbeat that promises to stay
Enfolded in the present, no entitlement today

But still I surrender to the castle in the sky
Pulled by the chatter of my mind's eye
Believing in the daydream of childhood's bliss
Conjuring up magic for what could be missed

The Steam on the Mirrors

The foolishness of actions waits for the light of day
And begs us to hear the voices of our own decay
Words sent by thoughts that spin off our lips
Blaming our regret on others, in between sips

Easily shifting the sands of our lives
To blind us from seeing our own true lies
Our words sent like angry boomerangs spin off
Only to return, and their landings are never soft

The steam on the mirrors we use each day
Soon come to an end and crumble away
In the broken pieces left on the floor
Is the answer that hurts to the core

We ask for the response we don't want to hear
So we shift the fault to someone so dear
When enough has been said and you can't feel anymore
You walk away blind, broken and sore

You live in the numbness of what hasn't been said
Picking up the pieces as if you were dead
How far will you walk if the shoes don't fit
Throwing away the candle before it is lit

Breathing in the truth of your life and its lore
Answering questions you have denied before
Seeing with integrity that which you find
Healing the anger that made you so blind

Thursday, December 23, 2010


She was mislaid in the creases of my heart
Lost as I wandered the paths of my life
Tears cried were misunderstood from the start
It completely tore my life apart

Unbalanced and teetering on the edge of confusion
How long could I stumble before I would fall
She was the echo that would vibrate my illusion
I needed her voice to end the delusion

Falling into the darkness of night
She found a crack in the prison I built
She swam to the surface to breath in the light
Completing my being and awakening delight

 She shines in my presence and gives me life back
Plays in the sunlight and not in my shadow
Keeping the magic alive and wonder intact
And teaches me, there is nothing I lack

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Deja vu

My heart is open to the flow of song
But hears not the symphony that it requires
It surrenders to the notes that drift on the wind
And searches for the harmony deep within

Knowing not the emotions from the songs that come
But filled with their sorrow that does not belong
Each of the notes that sound the lead
Are followed by others that cannot plant the seed

Perhaps the season is too cold for growth
Lost are the chances of Spring's magic
But I feel the deja vu of an uncomfortable dance
And the staccato of a need that breaks any chance

I know that my melody spins in my heart
And waits for the words to realize its passion
Fulfilled in itself by suffering what it gained
Watching too carefully the stanza to create blame

I feel the sadness of an incomplete song
Knowing my mind plays with the rhythm
So I'll sing my own song and dance to its beat
And find within myself the love I will meet

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The words floated in the air
In between your smiles and sadness
I heard each one and felt its sting
They pulled the threads of my own past

I've slipped on those shoes before
And felt the discomfort of familiar pain
Wondering if it was my fault that
They didn't fit

Wanting someone to hear
What I was really trying to say
The truth lived in the silent spaces
Between the inadequate symbols

The right choice lives in your heart
But the heart needs a place of solace
Where it can be heard by you
Away from the storms, and the thunder

I heard your words today
I listened to your quiet prayer 
I saw the truth in the spaces
I care

The Sound

The sound carried with it a prophecy and a warning
I didn't say it out loud, it came on its own
I can hear its whisper as I sleep at night
The possibilities bring unfamiliar lost emotions

I stand on the edge of a cliff like the Fool
And question the validity of my quest
I worked so hard to feel whole
Do I want the answer to this query

It dances in my head like a whirling dervish
Until I silence the storm within my breath
If I take this leap I will begin a journey
Into my heart

This all crushes me before I open my eyes to see
It's just a fantasy that creeped into my reality
I pulled it in with wanting
And now face its green gaze

Who am I now, as I look over the edge of fear
Do I have the strength to keep myself intact
Do I have the vision to see the truth
Do I love myself open my heart again