Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Kiss

Top of the mountain
Wind, sky and sight
Dried of the ocean
Drowned by the night

Breath of open windows
Breeze against my skin
Broken false dreams
Covered with sharp sin

It was your mirror
Fear and unwilling to see
It was not in vain
I left just to be

Sharp were the edges
Cuts to save me
Suitcases full of illusion
Taken outside to see

Seclusion of the winter
Sleeping in my bed
Seeing the damage
Clearing of my head

A shard of your mirror
Looking at my reflection
Given a blessing
Understanding without deception

Bruised and battered
I saw you fall
Now on the mountain
The gift I recall

Your sacred ghosts
Plunged me into the abyss
Never would I have leaped
If not for your kiss


Monday, August 30, 2010

Tea Pots

My morning was beautiful
On the cover of the book
Dust covered pages, no one would look

Tea pot on the stove
Polished stainless steel
Waiting for fire to heal

Encounters were proof
Of the unworthy prayer
No one can care, no one can care

Shoved in their faces
Damage was done
By the self loaded gun

Perfection of nothing
An unholy quest
Gift from someone else's mess

Kneeling to the naked ground
dried flowers fall from the pages
demons let out of cages

Darkness covered the water
Fear began to decay
Leaving only the way

Broken damaged goods
A holy Bible's page
Turned to dust in the truth of rage

No longer part of your shadow
I dance in the sunlight
In the darkness of night

I dance in the sunlight, In the darkness of night


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Woman of a New Season Workshop

The Woman of a New Season Workshop will be held at Spirit Wind West on September 13, 15, 20 & 22, 2010. The time is 6:00pm to 8:30pm.  Contact for information Barb Matteri @ 360-731-1331.  Tell a friend.


Each day our lives seem to be overwhelmed with everything that is happening around us.  We filter out most of the input so we can deal with it but what we don't realize is that it still goes in and effects our subconscious mind.  Thousands of bits of information enters our subconscious every second of the day.  No wonder it is hard for us to find the peace we need.  There are several things we can do to turn the volume of the chaos down and give ourselves a break.  One is to quiet our mind and be still.  Doing this slows the chatter of our thoughts and our body to a point where we can hear our soul talk to us.  This way we can know what we truly need.  Another thing is to be grateful for what is truly important in our lives.  This is another way of quieting the mind and focusing on the gifts that have been given to us that we take for granted.  It is important to stop the chatter, bring yourself back to stillness and be present, so that you don't miss the magic and the miracles that the universe has placed in our world. 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Precious moments

Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever. -Horace Mann-

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I was reading "Still Here"  by Ram Dass this morning and came across this section about Ego.  I think that the ego has gotten a bad rap because we just don't understand it.  To me it is part of what makes us a complete person.  It is when it is untamed and controling that creates the problem.  See what you think.
"The wisdom of age is more a matter of being than of role playing.  It's not a matter of trying to fulfill a social role; it's a matter of becoming wisdom itself.  Yes, it is a role for the Ego to play, but here we need a deeper understanding of the Ego. The Ego is the program that runs personality, the body, and interactions with others on the physical plane.  It can be a very useful tool.  The Ego only becomes destructive when a person identifies the Ego as her or his whole being.  That brings tremendous suffering, because the Ego is full of desires the fulfillment of which will never bring lasting happiness.  Such a person becomes trapped in time and desires.  If you take the perspective of the Ego, then there is suffering as the Ego struggles to preserve its identity in the face of the Soul's desire to merge with God.  I tried to go the renunciate's way, to forget the needs of the body in order to avoid the suffering of the Ego.  But the Soul depends on the Ego's drama for its teachings.  We have to be in the world to learn from it."  (Still Here by Ram Dass)


Age is opportunity no less
Than youth itself, though in another dress,
And as the evening twilight fades away
The sky is filled with stars invisible by day.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Candle is lit
Spark becomes light

Body surrenders
Finds a place

Silence is wanted
Rain settles in

Shade covered windows
Cats left outside

Breath Finds wave
We become I

Expectation lost
Nothing dances

Let it be
Already is


Saturday, August 14, 2010


Manifesting is a interesting thing.  It starts with you, inside you.  It is planted into the mind, where it gestates and grows until it is ready to be born.  Then when the time is right you bring it out of your mind into the world.  It is you going from the inside to the outside.  Everything that you manifest is you.  Now take this one step further.  The Divine Consciousness manifesting.  It starts with the Divine, inside the Divine.  Where it gestates and grows until it is ready to be born. Then when the time is right the Divine brings it out of the consciousness into the world. It is the Divine going from the inside to the outside.  Everything that is created is the Divine.  Now ponder this, you, everyone else and everything else, including your manifestations are actually a manifestation of the Divine.  Which in turn means that it is all the Divine.  That is the Oneness.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Today is a beautiful day.  I wake up each morning grateful for the abundance in my life.  The prayers and thoughts that I am giving to the universe this morning are for lifting my vibration of light higher, so that it will lift the vibrations of many, many others.  Love, Peace and Bliss be with you this beautiful day.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Shadow Effect

I am reading the "Shadow Effect" by Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and Marianne Williamson.  It is one of the best I've read on the shadow.  Here is a part of the book written by Debbie Ford, it will make you think about how you see yourself and others for that matter.

"We possess every human characteristic and emotion, whether active or dormat, whether conscious or unconscious.  There is nothing we can conceive of that we are not.  We are everything - that which we consider good and that which we consider bad.  How could we know courage if we have never known fear?  How could we know happiness if we never experienced sadness?  How could we know light if we never knew dark?

All these pairs of opposites exist within us because we are dualistic beings made up of opposing forces.  This means that every quality we can see in another exists within ourselves.  We are the microcosm of the macrocosm, meaning within our DNA structure we have the imprint of every characteristic.  We are capable of both the greatest acts of selflessness and the most destructive, self-punishing crimes.  When viewed in the full light of our awareness, our shadow exposes the duality and the truth of both our human self and our divine self, as they both prove to be essential ingredients of a whole authentic human being."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

East West Bookstore

I recently had the pleasure to go to the East West book store in Seattle to listen to Don Jose Ruiz talk about his new book,"The Fifth Agreement. What an inspiring young man. I find the Tolec wisdom very interesting. It shines a light on what we have come to believe is true and what really is the truth.