Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Shadow Effect

I am reading the "Shadow Effect" by Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and Marianne Williamson.  It is one of the best I've read on the shadow.  Here is a part of the book written by Debbie Ford, it will make you think about how you see yourself and others for that matter.

"We possess every human characteristic and emotion, whether active or dormat, whether conscious or unconscious.  There is nothing we can conceive of that we are not.  We are everything - that which we consider good and that which we consider bad.  How could we know courage if we have never known fear?  How could we know happiness if we never experienced sadness?  How could we know light if we never knew dark?

All these pairs of opposites exist within us because we are dualistic beings made up of opposing forces.  This means that every quality we can see in another exists within ourselves.  We are the microcosm of the macrocosm, meaning within our DNA structure we have the imprint of every characteristic.  We are capable of both the greatest acts of selflessness and the most destructive, self-punishing crimes.  When viewed in the full light of our awareness, our shadow exposes the duality and the truth of both our human self and our divine self, as they both prove to be essential ingredients of a whole authentic human being."

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